Welcome to Douli Tea Co.

Douli Ashitaba tea is pesticide, herbicide, and GMO free. Our Ashitaba is produced by small, independent, family-run farms throughout Nantou county, in central Taiwan. Each of our farms practices natural farming and continues to harvest Ashitaba by hand using traditional methods.

Ashitaba Tea

Naturally farmed, sustainably sourced, exceptional quality.
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What is Ashitaba?

Angelica Keiskei or Ashitaba (明日葉/ アシタバlit. tomorrow's leaf) as it is commonly known, is a fast-growing biennial herb, 50 to 120 cm in height, native to the Izu islands of Japan. Introduced to Taiwan by the Japanese in 1895, it flourishes amidst the high mountain bamboo, Red Spruce, and Cyprus trees of Chiayi and Nantou counties. The taste is rich, sweet, and buttery, but it is the grassy aroma we personally love.

Of all the Ashitaba grown throughout Taiwan, we have found that the tea produced in Nantou is by far the best. Nantou’s high elevation, lushly forested slopes, volcanic soils, cooler temperatures, and ample rainfall, produce soils with the acidity and mineral profile necessary for Ashitaba to thrive. With a high organic content and good drainage, the rich loamy soils of this growing region are ideal for producing Ashitaba of exceptional quality.

Free of caffeine and high in chlorophyll and theanine, Ashitaba contains numerous flavonoids and polyphenols as well as a complex of minerals and B-vitamins, making it one of the healthier natural teas available.  Please see ‘Health Benefits’ section for more information and links to published studies.

Tastes great, free of caffeine, and just plain good for you.